Beyond Bootstrap Economics

“Beyond Bootstrap Economics” is an immersive photography exhibit accompanied by local stories that explore how housing instability and homelessness affect our neighbors everyday. The photos in this exhibit represent contrasting images of the same idea. Look at the images, listen to the stories and imagine what life would look like if you lost your housing.

Listen to the stories as you view the gallery.

The photos on the left represent the ways housing stability provide daily benefits we often take for granted. 

The photos on the right represent the ways housing instability and homelessness make daily life that much harder. 


Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics


Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics


Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics

Family Room

Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics

Affordable Housing

Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics

Affordable Nutrition 

Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics

2nd Hand Shopping 

Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics


Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics


Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics


Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics


Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics


Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics

Bootstrap Economics

Beyond Bootstrap Economics
Beyond Bootstrap Economics

It is ok to ask someone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, 

but we must remember that not everyone has boots.

Take 5 minutes to evaluate these photo and learn about things you can do to make a difference!