The Faith Engagement Working Group assists and supports all working groups of Weld’s Way Home. It engages local congregations (regardless of faith background) and provides a structure for both reaching congregation goals and contributing to lasting improvements for vulnerable individuals and families in Weld County.


Weld County has many generous faith congregations that want to help those experiencing homelessness. Often, they respond to many immediate needs like lack of food or clothing. Some faith congregations have expressed the desire to do more – they want to make a lasting impact on the lives they touch. But with limited resources or understanding of the vast array of services for the homeless, they are unsure where they could make the most impact. 


Weld’s Way Home addresses that desire. Armed with the understanding that we do more as a community than as separate entities working to address challenges, Weld’s Way Home works with those congregations that want to do more for those experiencing homelessness in our community. This work group outreaches and educates on the presence of homelessness, facilitates giving and volunteering opportunities for congregations and works with other working groups to make’s Weld’s Way Home’s goals become reality. 

Faith Engagement Working Group Materials