Coordinated Entry and Housing Placement System

“Coordinated entry” refers to the concept of ensuring that access to homeless
services in a community is streamlined and households experiencing or at-risk for homelessness
are able to quickly access the assistance they need and for which they are eligible, without having to
call or be turned away from multiple programs.

-United States Interagency Council on Homelessness

Veterans Housed Since February 2016


In February 2016, a team of Weld and Larimer service providers piloted this new system, focusing on the homeless veteran population. With this new system has come wild success! Instead of working one-on-one with clients as individual agencies, we are now working as a team of agencies. Instead of one agency focusing on “my” client, we are all focusing on “our” client, thinking through what a housing plan looks like for them, and how we can ALL work together to make that happen. There is a success story for every single one of the homeless veterans that have been housed across Weld and Larimer Counties since the start of the pilot program a year and a half ago. Veterans are proud to call Weld County home, and we’re proud to help them find stable housing here. We are immensely honored and humbled that we are able to serve those that have served our country, and we thank them for their service.

The Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement System (CAHPS) will accomplish the priority of having Shared Intake and Assessment in Weld County.

A shared intake and assessment process assures that all households experiencing homelessness are assessed in the same way with the same tools, and then placed in the housing placement that most fits their specific needs, and offers additional services as necessary. Currently, each program has different assessment tools, prioritization qualifications and housing placement practices. With this system, individuals and families experiencing homelessness will only have to complete one housing assessment (versus one per each agency they visit), will be prioritized within the entire system of homelessness serving agencies (versus within just one program), will have access to the most appropriate housing placement for their needs (versus access to the resources within one program) and will be surrounded with supportive services designed to keep them in that housing individualized to their needs. The main goals are to reduce length of homelessness and provide timely housing through agency coordination.  Targeting the appropriate housing and services will increase long-term housing stability for individuals and families in our communities. Shared intake and assessment will simplify navigation of housing services and provide a well-defined path out of homelessness and into stable housing. 

Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement Materials