Veteran Stories

Every day Shannon told herself that war was hard for everyone. Returning to civilian life after combat was not easy, but it was harder for her than most. Shannon’s troubles made more sense after she was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but it did not help her already strained marriage. After a year with no improvement, Shannon moved out. Her VA benefits helped, but she could not keep stable work and lost her housing. The noise and chaos of homeless shelters often triggered her PTSD and, after an outburst, she was asked to leave the only Weld County shelter for which she was eligible. 

Veterans often deal with additional challenges many civilians do not face. Returning from war to normal life is a very tricky transition, and they often need additional support. Check out the Statistics and Solutions below to learn more about veteran homelessness and how you can help a war hero today.