Your time is valuable. How much time do you have to fight for housing stability in Weld County?

I Have a Few

Helping your community takes less time than you might think. Click here to learn more about how to help unstable households in Weld County.

I Have a Few

It can be difficult trying to find volunteer opportunities that make a lasting difference. Click here to check out our list of volunteer opportunities throughout Weld County. 

I Have a Few

We can help more people when we work together to address homelessness. United we fight. United we win. Click here if you want to volunteer regularly. 

I Have a Few Minutes

What would your life look like without stable housing?

“Beyond Bootstrap Economics” is an immersive photography exhibit accompanied by local stories that explore how housing instability and homelessness affect our neighbors everyday. The photos in this exhibit represent contrasting images of the same idea. Look at the images, listen to the stories and imagine what life would look like if you lost your housing.

Over 30 Community Partners Have Shown Support.
Take 5 Minutes to show your support today.

Homelessness and housing instability are big challenges for Weld County, especially as our population continues to increase. Weld’s Way Home leads a Collective Impact effort to address and prevent homelessness and housing instability for vulnerable households, because everyone need a safe and stable place to call home. Show your support and join the fight for housing stability today. 

Take 10-15 Minutes And…

and FAQs

Housing First ENDS Homelessness

Try Living Unstably

*This site was created by a group in Durham, North Carolina that helps people in poverty everyday

Homelessness Costs Everyone

Two Minute Tips and Tricks

Give some dignity.  Those experiencing homelessness often feel ignored, mistrusted or judged. Sometimes, a simple smile or greeting can go a long way.

HelpARecycler. Often, people search through trash to find recyclable aluminum cans that they can turn in for a profit; help them by placing your cans apart from your trash. 

Carry hygiene kits, granola bars, fresh socks, gift cards or resource cards in your car to pass out to panhandlers. You could also offer to buy someone a hot meal.

Give a tip. Many people working in the service industry make their living from tips. Unstable income can cause unstable housing. Make sure to tip fairly. 

Give comfort this season. United Way of Weld County is currently accepting donations of new socks, hand warmers and chap stick to distribute to people sleeping out of doors this winter.

Ask us to present. Want to learn more about Weld’s Way Home or have your questions answered in person? Let us know and we can come to you. 

I Have a Few Hours


OrgCode CEO and President, Iain DeJong has a message for decision makers and community leaders. Iain travels internationally to coach communities how to end homelessness as opposed to manage it. 

Does Your Church Want to Help the Homeless?

We have created ways for Weld County congregations to help unstable households in their community. Where is your church located?

Join the Fight – Version 3

Show American Winter and Start Local Converations


American Winter tells the story of eight families who call 2-1-1 and identify as being on the brink of homelessness. Follow their stories by renting a DVD from United Way of Weld County or watching online. Then, engage in conversation with your neighbors about what homelessness looks like in your community and steps we can take together to help. Community challenges demand community solutions.  


Call 970-353-4300 and ask for Melanie Falvo, United Way of Weld County Director of Community Impact, to rent the DVD for free.

I Have a Few Days

Provide A Warm Meal for the Cold Weather Shelter

Starting November 1, the most vulnerable members of our community will begin sleeping at an emergency Cold Weather Shelter. We rely on community support to make sure they get a warm meal each day. 

Help Local Shelters





At Greeley Transitional House, our mission is to provide safety, stability and opportunity to families in crisis through emergency shelter and comprehensive support services.





The mission of Catholic Charities is to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same.





Hope @ Miracle House is a faith based coalition with the goal of assisting families and individuals that are homeless in South Weld County in winter. Along with donation needs, Hope could use the help of a handy person to keep up their facility.